Esther Knott’s father was a Hindu. When he became a Christian and a Seventh-day Adventist, his life was turned around; his whole focus became telling others about what Jesus had done for him. So it was natural that Esther would want to “be about her father’s business” of sharing the Good News. Pastor Knott, of the Pioneer Memorial Church and an Associate Ministerial Director of the NAD of Seventh-day Adventists, discusses her path to pastoral ministry.

This is what happens when some church leaders misuse certain verses that were intended for a specific time, place, or situation. A pastor in New York decided to apply literally Paul’s advice that “I do not allow a woman to teach.” The result? A little old lady, age 81, was fired from teaching Sunday School after 54 years of faithful service, as reported by ABC News: Teacher Fired for Being Female. Unfortunately that pastor had not read the explanation of the verse by the Biblical Research Institute of the General Conference. Continue reading

Dr. Dwight Nelson, senior pastor of the Pioneer Memorial Church at Andrews University, takes a second look at “male headship.” You can follow along with the sermon outline. The title is based on Psalm 68:11 – “The Lord announces the word, and the women who proclaim it are a mighty throng.”

El Dr. George Knight, profesor emérito de historia de la Iglesia en el Seminario Teológico Adventista, es un importante historiador, escritor y educador. Él es considerado como el autor Adventista más vendido en los últimos 30 años y es una de las voces más influyentes en la denominación. El Dr. Knight explica lo siguiente: Continue reading

Reprinted from an editorial by Monte Sahlin on Feb. 11, 2015, in Adventist Today:

As Elder Ted Wilson, president of the General Conference, approaches what will likely be the make-or-break GC Session of his career, will his thoughts turn to his father’s role in the issues related to ordination and the role of women in the Seventh-day Adventist Church? A research assistant reminded me this morning of a document from the fall of 1977 which reveals the views of Elder Neal C. Wilson Continue reading

Dr. Hyveth Williams is a professor of Christian ministry and homiletics at the SDA Theological Seminary at Andrews University. Prior to that appointment in 2009, she served for over thirteen years as senior pastor of the Campus Hill Church in Loma Linda. She was the first black female pastor and the first female senior pastor in the Seventh-day Adventist denomination. In this video clip, Dr. Williams encourages Adventist churches and conference leaders to take a chance on a woman pastor because she will render outstanding service to the Lord and the church. Continue reading

“We must not think, ‘Well, we have all the truth.’… The truth is an advancing truth, and we must walk in the increasing light.” (Evangelism, p. 296)

“… our ways of looking at things vary. We judge differently. Our understanding of truth, our ideas in regard to the conduct of life, are not in all respects the same.” (Ministry of Healing, p. 483)

“We should have a spirit of progress. We must guard continually against being fixed in our views, feelings, and actions. The work of God is onward.… Energy, tempered with patience and ambition, and balanced by wisdom, is now needed by every Christian.” (Testimonies 3, p. 540)

“A spirit of Pharisaism has been coming in upon the people who claim to believe the truth for these last days.… They have said, ‘We have the truth. There is no more light for the people of God.’ But we are not safe when we take the position that we will not accept anything else than that upon which we have settled as truth. We should take the Bible, and investigate it closely for ourselves. We should dig in the mine of God’s word for truth.… Increasing light is to shine upon us.…” (Review and Herald, June 18, 1888)

“… unity … does not mean uniformity in everything. Unity in diversity is a principle that Continue reading

After a deep study of the Bible and the Spirit of Prophecy, the top “Adventist scholars, in 1975, found no theological obstacles to ordaining women to gospel ministry.” (Adventist Review, March 7, 1985) God said, on “both men and women, I will pour out My Spirit.” (Acts 2:18) The General Conference Biblical Research Institute concluded in 1976, “If God has called a woman, and her ministry is fruitful, why should the church withhold its standard act of recognition?”

Our web site contains a lot of solid information about women in ministry; but there are also many other resources with excellent historical, practical, and theological information. We recommend that you spend some time reading and sharing all of the resources on this list: Continue reading